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There is nothing more beautiful than a running  sighthound.  This is when you can truly see the need for proper conformation. When they are running, they are displaying how form and function are necessary for a healthy hound.​

Castlekeep was home to the number one lure coursing hound for three years running, Ch CT Castlekeep's Thuban Fch GRC.​


 In Canada there are many organizations that offer racing.  Ontario Lure coursing association, Canadian Amateur Racing association, Large Racing Gazehound Association, just to name a few.  United kennel club has lure coursing and conformation classes as well.


Having a racing Wolfhound is not easy as they are not often stimulated by a simulated rabbit chase that is, a plastic bag.

Your Irish Wolfhound will either love it or not.

I found it is best to start them very young, by bringing them to meets and letting them get use to the sound of the lure machine and the excited dogs.  There will be puppy practice runs to help them get started.  Then when they are one year of age, they can certify and compete.

So come on out, get some fresh air and enjoy the hounds.




Ch Castlekeep's Livonia FchX

Ch Castlekeep's Livonia FchX winning the Lambo trophy.

Ch CT Castlekeep's Thuban Fch GRC with some of his winnings.  Dracon has been #1 Lure coursing Irish Wolfhounds for 2010, 2011, 2012

Below Dracon enjoying the race.

Castlekeep Earth's Quiet Meadow 4 months old. Here she is training to lure course.

Ch Castlekeep Earth's Quiet Meadow Fch at the starting line.                                Tally Ho!

Ch Castlekeep's Livonia Fch straight racing.  Note the muzzle to protect the fake fur lure.

Ch CT Castlekeep's Thuban Fch GRC getting ready to straight race  and his competition is Ch Cugein Ortega of Castlekeep below.

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